Friday, July 8, 2011

Why I love my promethean board

The promethean board is one of the greatest tools that were created for teaching since the calculator in my opinion. This one board allows a teacher to accomplish so much in such a small space. Its interactive and allows students to write their own thoughts and opinions as well as allows for saving, flip charts, games, activities. This is all done on one board and the software that comes with it. The only down side to this technology is that it is expensive and not every teacher and school district can afford to pay for the software. When this software can be mass produced for the same expenses as an white board or chalk board, then there will be a large change in education. The board has so many accessories that can be added to it as well, which aid in student learning and it is very simple to learn to use. It can be used with the smallest children up through college and its engagement factor doesn't change. The only other issue that I have seen with the boards (or better yet with the teachers that use the boards) is the learning curve required to know how to use it. For teachers that are not familiar with technology, this new software may seem daunting and thus they will be reluctant to integrate it into their lives.

Check out this link to Promethean World

Why Technology??

A groups view on why there should be a push to put technology into the classroom. There are several videos, articles, and posting as to why people should integrate technology into the classroom, but I think this one sums up the main points very well. As teachers, we must stop being scared to integrate technology into the class and make the leap. Its not extremely difficult to learn, so we have to step outside of our comfort zone and excel. Many times we are selfish because we don't want to put the time in to help our students. The teaching profession isn't about the teacher, but is about the student, so we must remember this.

Promethean Board vs. Chalk Board

Some people see a battle brewing between new teachers that are using the new and innovative smart boards and promethean boards and older teachers that still want to stick to their old habits of chalk and erasers. As technology is becoming more and more pervasive, should we shift from the old ways that have seemingly worked so well to embrace this new technology, which hasn't definitively been proven to help students learn better. This debate is a poignant one because how can we truly reach students if we are not bringing technology into the classroom, but how can we forget the traditional ways that students were taught. What are your thoughts?

Integration of Technology is Key

Many people hear that technology is so important for the classroom and that students need to be exposed to something that they are familiar with. Students are familiar with technology, but aren't completely sure how technology works. This is where the teacher's ability to integrate technology in the classroom in such a manner that the student can learn to easily use the tools is key. Students are familiar with facebook, cell phones, and the internet, but many students have no idea how to program, how silicon chips work, or how IP protocol sends information. Some would argue that this information isn't that important, but it brings up an important fact. Students know how to use technology, but don't know how it is created. How can we create an innovative society if students can't expand upon what they know. So teachers must be familiar with how these tools work and explain to students how to use the tools and how they actually work.

See Technology in Action

Tablets are the New Laptop for Children

Laptops for Every Student is Key

Students using labquest in the class

Resources for Technology in the Classroom

Follow links to the following articles about the benefits of technology in the classroom as well as some tools you can use in your classroom.

Here are a few resources that you should find helpful.

Chemistry Demonstrations

Here are cool experiments that were done in classes using chemistry:

Glowing Water

Elephant Toothpaste